Classes and Workshops

  • All
  • Music and Performance
  • Painting and Drawing
  • Sculpture, Photo and Mixed Media
  • Woodshop
  • Writing and Reading

Making and Printing Linocuts with Jennifer Basile, PEAR

The workshop shows how to make a relief print without a press. Participants will create original works of art or repeat patterns with their relief image.

Learn the Lathe: Wood Turning with Trevor Martineau

Learn the different stages of wood turning in this hands-on workshop offered at the Studios Woodshop to create a wooden bowl. Start with a block of wood, turn it on a lathe and end up with a sealed food safe bowl!

Storytelling Through Mixed Media Collage with Lavett Ballard, PEAR

Tell your best story through visual representations with the use of historical imagery and reference materials.

Portrait Painting from a Photograph with Dianne Hebbert, PEAR

Capture a loved one or fascinating stranger in acrylic, through photo-based portraiture with tips on the grid method, under paintings, and adding details.

The Art of Villainy with Jennifer Brody

Conflict is what makes a story compelling, and antagonists represent one important layer of conflict in any story. In this craft talk, learn how to craft memorable villains that will elevate your story.

Comedy in Writing with Kristen Arnett, PEAR

Unpack and repack the way jokes and humor sit inside of work, looking at repetition, self-deprecating humor, copycatting, absurdism, and other techniques.

Writing From True Stories with Dionne Irving, PEAR

Write what you know. Lived experiences can be turned into engaging fiction, but how do we make the leap from the actual world to the imagined world?

We’re hard at work planning workshops!

The Studios is planning our next season and can’t wait to share it! More details and announcements coming soon—join our newsletter to stay up to date.