
Island Traditions, David Berg & William Rhodes

This summer, we revisit the work of two previously exhibited artists at The Studios – David Berg and William Rhodes. Their visits to Key West in 2021 and 2023 impacted the island through community events in Bahama Village as well as stunning contemporary exhibitions.

Summer Art Contest, Books & Books

Now in its eighth year, the Books & Books summer art contest brings together creative bookmark designs by local artists. The contest calls for works in any style —paint, collage, pencil—on 4 x 12” canvases.

Summer Solstice Student Show

This past June, watercolor enthusiasts met at the beach, just before sunset, with paints, brushes and open imaginations. A selection of student watercolors will be shown alongside one of Susan’s own.

We’re hard at work planning exhibitions!

The Studios is planning our next season and can’t wait to share it! More details and announcements coming soon—join our newsletter to stay up to date.