Colorful Friday Sale | The Studios of Key West

To celebrate the season, we’re offering a COLORFUL SALE FOR YOU!

The day after Thanksgiving, use coupon code ‘COLORFUL’ (all caps) at checkout to receive 15% off all classes through January and all Old Town New Folk concerts in the Helmerich Theater!

Sale runs online at all day on Friday, November 29  (midnight-midnight). Or call our box office on 11/29 from 10am-4pm at 305-296-0458. Final price reflected at checkout.

NEW DATES: 12 MONDAYS JAN 13-MAR 31, 5:30-7:30PM

The Artist’s Way with Rosalind Brackenbury

Using Julia Cameron’s book The Artist’s Way as a guide, beloved author Rosalind Brackenbury walks you through the steps to achieving higher creativity.

8 SUNDAYS JAN 26-MAR 16, 12-2PM

Comedy Scene Acting with Dennis Zacek

An award-winning actor, director and teacher, helps students explore such forms as farce, realistic comedy, and high comedy through scene study and class discussion.

TUE APR 15, 7PM & APR 16, 8PM
2025 | CONCERT

John McCutcheon in Concert

Join John McCutcheon, master of the hammer dulcimer and folk music’s “Rustic Renaissance Man,” for an unforgettable concert blending traditional and original songs with engaging storytelling.

TUE APR 22, 7PM & APR 23, 8PM
2025 | CONCERT

Henhouse Prowlers in Concert

For nearly two decades, the Henhouse Prowlers have blended bluegrass with global influences. Experience their unique sound live as they combine performance, diplomacy, and education in an unforgettable show.