SIGHTS UNSEEN, Rick Worth | The Studios of Key West


sponsored by Old Town Trolley

The perennial winner of “Best Artist” awards, Rick Worth is among the defining Key West artists of his generation, and likely the most productive. From his “shingle paintings”, which frame snippets of old Town architecture on fragments of metal roofs, to the dozens of murals bearing the signature all across the island, Worth is a fountain of creativity. For this not-to-be missed event, Worth fills the gallery with recent work and installation-size paintings.

54, Missouri born artist and our Bootcamp Painting Instructor.

He is a self proclaimed master of all trades, enjoying the arts in all it’s forms for over 30 years in Key West. As a Public Artist his murals grave the sides of many buildings from Key West to Plantation Key.

Instrumental to the creation of Monroe County’s Arts in Public Places Development with his persistence and desire to change the face and the personality of this island town. With an array of Art Cars called Conch Cruisers roaming the streets, turning the streets themselves into his gallery. He works with festival organizers, theaters and frequently gives of his talent, time and treasures to those in need.

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The Studios of Key West
533 Eaton Street
Key West, FL 33040

Gallery and Box Office Hours
Tues-Sat, 10am-4pm
