Reading and Writing Haiku to Set Free Your Imagination

Marsh Muirhead

Saturday, January 25


Heinen Design Lab

$55, $35 mbrs.

Learn to write haiku and see how these powerful small poems can function as prompts for longer poems and other creative writing.

Marsh Muirhead lives on the banks of the Mississippi River, near the source, in northern Minnesota. His work has appeared in Poetry East, Rattle, Southern Poetry Review, The Southeast Review, and elsewhere. He has published two collections of haiku – Her Cold Martini, and Last Night of the Carnival – and his haiku have been found engraved in the sidewalk on the Palm Avenue bridge in Key West, on a rock along the Haiku Walk in Millersburg, Ohio, and have been read by Billy Collins on his poetry broadcast several times. Marsh once won the annual Great American Think-Off essay and debate contest addressing the question: “Does Poetry Matter.” He said it did and does.