Propose a Class or Workshop | The Studios of Key West


Would you like to propose a class at The Studios?

We are currently accepting proposals for the 2025/26 season and beyond. Please be aware that no determination will be made on proposals until Summer 2025.

Please use this link to submit your proposal.

Deadline: June 12, 2025.

Each year, The Studios offers over 70 classes and workshops in a range of media for artists from beginners to professionals. We have two classrooms: one for physical media like painting and sculpture, and a Design Lab for classes in digital media and writing. In addition, the Helmerich Theater, a flexible black box theater, serves as the perfect space for performing arts and movement classes.

Please note: The Studios does not typically cover instructor housing for classes, but if it would be required for your class to take place, you may ask for special consideration in your proposal.

Class/Workshop Proposal Details


  • Proposed title and narrative summary of your workshop or class.
  • Your general availability (evenings? specific months?)
  • Skill level for workshop participants.
  • Ideal number of participants, or minimum/maximum of students.
  • Required materials.
  • Proposed workshop duration (e.g. half day, 1 day, 2 afternoons, etc.).
  • Other information that would be useful in our consideration and planning.




  • Please attach up to 5 images in support of your proposal. 




  • You may also include a resume in support of your proposal (this step is optional).