Open House & Studios

at The PEAR House

Thursday, April 11, 6-8pm

The PEAR House

Free and open to the public


Timothy Goldkin’s artwork on display


Derek Lassiter’s Performance


Jeffrey Colvin’s Reading

The Studios of Key West’s Peyton Evans Artist Residency (PEAR) program draws nearly 40 artists, writers and performers annually to Key West from across the country and overseas. This month’s PEARs offer up an open house for the public to come by and see what they’ve been up to lately, and get to know them better.

Timothy Goldkin, a cyanotype printmaker and wheat paste artist from Portland, ME, has been working with the archival images from the Key West Library, giving them new life through the cyanotype process. He’s also been exploring drawing and painting for the first time in his artistic life.

Derek Lassiter, a vocalist and composer in the Bay Area arts scene, fuses elements of soul, jazz and R&B to depict humankind’s journey through dark days that ultimately deliver us back into the light. His residency has been particularly impactful, learning more about his family and his ties to Key West.

Jeffrey Colvin is currently editing his second novel, after the success of his debut novel Africaville in 2019. He’s a research-based fiction writer who was born and raised in Alabama and now lives in New York. He offers up a reading this evening.