Introduction to Self-publishing

Andrew Shaffer

Monday, March 24


Heinen Design Lab

$60, $45 mbrs.

Learn the important steps involved in publishing your own work. It’s never been easier. Unfortunately, if you’re new to self-publishing, you can end up thousands of dollars in the hole before ever selling a single book. Find out the pitfalls to avoid, and how to professionally publish your own books at a reasonable expense. Learn the basics of cover design, ebook and print book formatting, and self-publishing in this three-hour workshop with Andrew Shaffer, whose self-published books have been on the USA Today bestseller list and nominated for Goodreads Choice Awards.

Improving Your iPhone Photography & Editing

William Carito

Saturday & Sunday, March 22 & 23


Heinen Design Lab

$180, $160 mbrs.

Take your phone photography further with guidance on the best apps and editing techniques. This course teaches students to take better photos with their phones, providing editing instruction and time for practice.

Bill Carito is a retiree from Maine who has found the world of iPhone Photography and loves the ease and adventure of seeking out subjects, sharing, and exploring with photographers of all stripes from all over the world.

Cinema: Mise-en-Scene

Nancy Warren

Friday, March 28


Heinen Design Lab

$45, $35 mbrs.

The third workshop in the cinema workshop series examines the mise-en-scène, a French term taken from theater-meaning literally “putting on stage”. The elements of mise-en-scène include setting, character, lighting, composition and cinematic style. It is when all the elements of cinema come together after months of editing. In this workshop participants will explore new ways to watch a movie by examining the form and function of mise-en-scène.

Discovering Island Light

Digital Photography Workshop

Barbara Boissevain (PEAR)

Monday, June 9, 8-11am

Tuesday, June 10, 1-4pm

Offsite / Heinen Design Lab

$110, $85 mbrs.

The Florida Keys have a unique quality of light which has drawn artists and writers for centuries. The goal of this workshop is to develop participant’s sensitivity to light as well as strengthening their technical abilities, allowing them to construct images that capture the moments of sublime light that the island is known for.

The Art of Perspective

Christopher Castellani (PEAR)

Friday, April 11


Heinen Design Lab

$65, $55 mbrs.

The success of any work of fiction or narrative nonfiction depends almost entirely on its narrative strategy. Not only which character(s) tell(s) the story, from what vantage point, in the past or present, but why those choices are optimal and how they contribute to the overall effect the author is aiming for. In this session, we will begin by defining narrative strategy, then discuss its relationship to an author’s choice of perspective and his/her manipulation of narrative distance.

Humor in Musical Theater

Nancy 3. Hoffman

4 Wednesdays, March 26 – April 16


Heinen Design Lab

$160, $145 mbrs.

Let’s laugh! This course involves four classes that introduce different aspects of humor in musical theater. Each class will include audio and video examples of each instance of humor. Plus the presenter(s) will offer live music and song as well. No experience or talent necessary, just a love of theater and desire to have a fun time! Lots of group discussion, consideration and participation.

Two Truths and a Lie

Writing Memoir and Autobiographical Fiction

Bushra Rehman (PEAR)

Tuesday, February 25


Heinen Design Lab

$60, $45 mbrs.

Writing from life can be a tricky business. There are people to protect, faulty memories of events, and the pitfalls of self-censorship and self-aggrandizement. This is where Two Truths comes in. Two Truths recognizes our lives are too rich not to write about, and our imaginations are too strong to ignore. In this class, we will learn specific techniques for breaking through writing blocks. We will write by drawing on memory and its gaps and the truth and lies of our lives.

photo credit: Andrea Dobrich

Metamorphosis in Animation

Nancy Andrews (PEAR)

Thursday & Friday, March  13 & 14


Heinen Design Lab

$90, $75 mbrs.

Over two afternoons, participants will explore the fundamentals of animation, focusing on persistence of vision and the transformative concept of metamorphosis. The workshop begins with short videos that illustrate these ideas, followed by hands-on work to create original animations using provided materials. In the second session, attendees will capture digital images of their drawn frames with a camera and compile them into a short animation to watch together. Essential skills such as drawing “in-betweens,” numbering frames, and understanding registration will be covered, all in a supportive environment. With a maximum of 12 participants, this workshop offers personalized guidance to discover the magic of bringing drawings to life!

Cinema: Sound, Lighting, and Editing

Nancy Warren

Tuesday, February 18


Heinen Design Lab

$45, $35 mbrs.

The second workshop in the cinema series is sound design. Sound, the lack of sound, and music-diegetic and non-diegetic-draw the audience into unexpected emotional moments. In this workshop participants will explore new ways to watch a movie by examining the form and function of sound.

Mirror, Mirror: Writing Poems and Stories Arising from Fairy Tales

Katharyn Howd Machan

Saturday, March 8


Heinen Design Lab

$70, $55 mbrs.

Fairy tales are the maps of our psyches, the mirrors of our longings and fears. In them we find the questions and answers we need to continue the shaping of our own lives, through darkness and light, shadow and brilliant image. Our oldest fairy tales, from the oral culture, have been polished to the bone; they gleam with an intensity of truth free of specific history. Newer tales, too, their authors known and celebrated, reach to the place of magic and dream, and give us guides in delight and knowledge.