Evolution, Olga Manosalvas | The Studios of Key West


Olga Manosalvas

Sanger Gallery

Listen to Olga discuss her Sep 2019 show at the Custom House on WLRN’s Sundial here. (Segment begins at 38:15 and runs through til the end of the broadcast).



Our galleries are open Tue-Sat, 12-4pm, and are free of charge.


Schedule a private viewing experience for up to 10.

Olga Manosalvas is known for her colorful paintings and sculptures which depict island dwellers, Mardi Gras revelers and voodoo queens with a distinct voice of the tropics.

Olga’s latest works explore a more monochromatic plane, capturing her figures in tones and highlighting sections of skin pigments and fabrics for added emphasis. These new color shifts and style variations, provide fresh vantage point from which Olga, and her viewers, can question the everyday.

Olga Manosalvas is represented by Collections, Key West
sponsored by Key West Fine Wines


Years of academic and studio painting have taken Olga Manosalvas from a world of high color and vibrant narratives to a more sophisticated, pigmented analysis of the everyday social variations of life. Olga’s work speaks multiple languages through well-defined explorations, artistic styles and mediums. This is, in large part, due to her schooling at the Academia Bellas Artes in Madrid, Spain and Parson’s School of Design. Her work is influenced by her Ecuadorian ancestry, her New York upbringing, and her most recent years as a resident of the lush, exotic Florida Keys and New Orleans.

Forever drawn to the representation of the figurative world, Olga’s work has transformed into the introspection of the human psyche. She sees from afar and comments with her brush. Her proclivity to depict people of color and the rituals of religion shy away from traditional concepts of beauty, bringing out the oddities of humankind.