Dar He by Mike Wiley | The Studios of Key West

Dar He: The Story of Emmett Till

by Mike Wiley

Thursday, April 17, 7pm

American Legion Post 168
803 Emma Street

$50, $25 Friends of Rose Diversity, $5 kids

In 1955, a 14-year-old Black Chicago youth traveled to Mississippi with family and Southern cooking on his mind. He stepped off the train into a world of thick color lines, hard-held class systems and unspeakable taboos. Dar He chronicles the murder, trial and unbelievable confession of the men accused of Emmett Till’s lynching.

Sponsored in part by the Florida Keys Council of the Arts, State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, the Florida Council on Arts and Culture, and The Studios’ Youth and Community Programs sponsors

sponsored by Jane Gardner Interiors