Banyan Society | The Studios of Key West

Banyan Society

The Planned Giving Program of The Studios

Create Your Legacy

Planned gifts can support the general operations of The Studios or can be designated through the establishment of a fund that is meaningful to the donor and to The Studios. 

Support the general operations of The Studios

  Create a Forever Patron Endowment Fund
  Leave an unrestricted gift

Support a specific part of our mission by creating a Designated Fund. Some ideas:

  To support excellence in visual, performing, literary, and design arts
  To support arts education
  To support a named artist residency
  To support a fund to defray costs of exhibitions
  To support advocacy for the arts and artists in the Florida Keys and Key West

TESTIMONIAL: The Tom Majors Fund for Wood Artists


“Angie’s dad, Tom, loved all things Key West and he loved working with wood to create things large and small. We established the Tom Majors Endowment Fund to honor his legacy by supporting and encouraging artists who work with wood. Unbeknownst to us when the Fund was established, it was a way of keeping Tom alive not only in our hearts, but in the Key West community.” -Linda Downs and Angela Majors

If you would like to discuss a planned gift to The Studios, please contact John Caliste, Director of Advancement 305-296-0458 or

Our founder Peyton Evans enjoys the view from the Banyan tree at the PEAR House, our historic guest house for artist residencies.

Founding Banyan Society Members

We are most appreciative to members of the Banyan Society who have provided a Declaration of Estate Intent or other document confirming an estate gift to The Studios of Key West:

Dale Allen
Alexander C. Baer
Campbell Cawood*
Barry Cook and Harrell Odom
Edward DeMore
Linda Downs and Angela Majors
Chris and Ernie Kent
Stephen Kitsakos and John DeWald

Wayne and Deb Larsen
William Grose and Stephen Murphy
G. Ross and Anne McKee
Carolyn and Jay Scott
Kerry and Diane Shelby
Nell Smets
Rosi and Jeff Ware
Marvin Weissberg*
