Announcing the winners of the 2023 Robert Frost Poetry Contest for Kids and Teens | The Studios of Key West

Announcing the winners of the 2023 Robert Frost Poetry Contest for Kids and Teens

Winners gathered at a Ceremony on Saturday, May 27

Winners of the 2023 Robert Frost Poetry Contest for kids and teens attend a winners’ ceremony at Hugh’s View, The Studios of Key West. Back row, from left: Rose Centonze (Second Place Teens), Dzyre Nesbitt (Third Place Teens), Tania Hull (First Place Kids), Kaden Savedra (Third Place Kids), Zyaire Allen. Front row: Emilia Serissky, Sam Mendez, Isaiah Ruiz (First Place Teens). Not pictured: Lily Sobchenko (Second Place Kids), Antonio Gomez, Naomi Johnson, Jeremiah McLoud.

Congratulations to the winners of the Robert Frost Poetry contest for kids & teens! The winners and their families and friends gathered on Saturday, May 27 to celebrate the amazing accomplishment of placing in the top 3% of entries. The contest, administered by The Studios of Key West, received over 400 entries this year and honored 12 students with awards. The winners were also able to read their poems aloud to the crowd of over 50 proud supporters. 

The winners and honorable mentions are from Key West to Key Largo, and range in age from 6 to 17. Kids 6-12: Tania Hull (First Place,12), Lily Sobchenko (Second Place, 12), Kaden Savedra (Third Place, 12), Zyaire Allen (12), Sam Mendez (6), Emilia Serissky (9). Teens 13-18: Isaiah Ruiz (First Place, 13), Rose Centonze (Second Place, 14), Dzyre Nesbitt (Third Place, 15), Antonio Gomez (16), Naomi Johnson (16), Jeremiah McLoud (13). 

Read the winning poems at

Through funds established by the Jeane and Jessie Porter Fund at the Community Foundation of the Florida Keys, the contest for children and teenagers was created, nurturing and developing the interest of budding poets, and their vital connection to the creative spirit of the Florida Keys.

photo by Johnny White, Mile Zero Mag Key West


Michelle Boscamp