"In the Courtyard"
Potluck table setting

In the Courtyard: February Residency Potluck

The fourth Wednesday of each month The Studios hosts a casual potluck at the residency guesthouse “In the Courtyard” to welcome our newest Artists in Residence. This event brings our community together under the covered courtyard at the Carriage Trade Artist Residency House, 529 Eaton Street, to celebrate the most recent artists, coming from near and far, to grace us with their talent and share their work and aspirations for their time on the island.

Please bring an appetizer, salad, main dish, dessert or snack & we’ll supply the drinks.

Current Artists in Residence

Naomi Gordon-Loebl
Writer from Brooklyn, NY

Alice Hargrave
Photo based artist from Chicago, IL

Sarah Williams
Oil painter from Springfield, MO

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The Studios of Key West
533 Eaton Street
Key West, FL 33040

Gallery and Box Office Hours
Tue-Sat, 10am-4pm