Dr. MaryLouise Patterson is a retired general pediatrician living in NYC. She is also a mother of 3 and a grandmother of 4.
Her parents, Louise and William Patterson, were Leftist civil rights activists their entire lives. They represented the best in the Black Radical tradition. They instilled in her a profound love and pride of Black people and to the need to uphold their culture, history and noble struggle for freedom and unbridled inclusion.
She received her medical degree from Patrice Lumumba Friendship University in Moscow, USSR and a Masters, Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley.
She is the co-author of “Letters from Langston: From the Red Scare to the Harlem Renaissance and Beyond”. UC Press 2016.
She loves jazz, plays, art exhibits, dancing – despite not getting enough of it anymore, socializing and cooking for friends and family, discussing politics, reading, traveling plus just living.
She is committed to and active in the push for universal health care-Medicare for All, to ending institutionalized racism in medicine, to increasing the number of Black, Latinx, Native American Indian and women health providers and to Peace with Justice everywhere.